

Created by Dirk Manning

A graphic novel memoir co-written by Arn Anderson detailing his life leading to -- and then forever changing -- professional wrestling.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Stretch Goal #7 unlocked! More gold achieved! 48 hours left!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Dec 14, 2022 at 05:15:40 PM

We got more gold... and there's still more out there to get!

Hey all!

The SEVENTH Stretch Goal was unlocked last night, meaning that every Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcover Edition of ARN ANDERSON: MY LIFE AS THE ENFORCER will now get the gold gilded pages upgrade! How awesome is that?!?

Here's ALL the free upgrades and bonuses that come with every HC Edition of the book, friends:

That... my friends... is A LOT of bonus swag... but there's one more really epic Stretch Goal left we can still unlock...

We have 48 hours to "Get the Pin" together!

See what we did there? Eh? Eh?

Seriously, though, friends, we now have 48 hours to unlock the *FINAL* Stretch Goal, which is the super limited-edition gold hatpin that reads "I'm With the Enforcer" over at!

If we unlock it, this pin will, just like the hardcover edition of the book, become one of the rarest Arn Anderson collectibles of all time, because we're making enough to give one to everyone who's pledge includes the Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcover Edition of the book... and that's it! You're either with "The Enforcer" or not, friends... so let's get the pin!

Let your wrestling friends know: The time is now, because at 4:44 PM EST tomorrow we're wrapping-up the campaign and after that the hardcovers and all the attached bonuses will be going into retirement, never to be available to the public again!

THANK YOU all so much for your support on this campaign! We're very excited about all we've unlocked... and now... let's get the pin at together!

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning

P.S. -- Again, one last reminder: If you want to make sure you're getting all the Stretch Goal Bonuses, make sure your pledge includes, at minimum, the KS Exclusive Hardcover Edition of the book! If you need to adjust your pledge to upgrade to a pledge level with the hardcover, do it now! Thanks!

Feel free to share this final reminder with your wrestling friends, too, so they don't miss out!

ARN ANDERSON Autograph Achieved! Stretch Goal #5 Unlocked!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Dec 06, 2022 at 03:00:10 AM

Well, that was quick, friends!

Many of you gave this campaign a big push on social media after the last update, and the results were immediate and impactful, friends: 


Every hardcover now comes with an exclusive bookplate with FOUR autographs... including Arn Anderson himself!

We have almost two weeks left... so what's next?

Now that we unlocked all four Round One Stretch Goals, I'll be consulting with Source Point Press (and Arn himself, of course!) to finalize some Round Two Stretch Goals!

Remember, the more people who preorder copies of the book and support the campaign, the more EVERYONE gets -- including the signed bookplate with the autographs by me, Colm Griffin, Shawn Daley, and the legendary Arn Anderson himself!

Keep sharing the link -- let people know that if they pledge for any level that includes at least the hardcover that they now get all four autographs for free -- and I'll be in touch soon!

Thanks again, everyone! You rock!

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning

"The Quest for the Gold" has begun! The Round 2 Stretch Goals are here!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Dec 06, 2022 at 03:00:02 AM

Who is wrestling doesn't want more gold, right?

Hello friends!

As promised in the  last KS Update, after consulting with Source Point Press and Arn Anderson himself (of course), the Round Two Stretch Goals are here!

Let the "The Quest for the Gold" begin!

Let's get those "golden" book upgrades... and then the KS Exclusive Gold pin!

This campaign ends Friday, December 16th at 5:00 PM EST (let's call it 4:44 PM EST to be safe), and every KS Exclusive Hardcover now comes with the QUADRUPLE-signed bookplate -- me (Dirk Manning), Colm Griffin, Shawn Daley, and Arn Anderson -- for FREE -- and these additional upgrades as well as the pin will also be FREE  with every pledge that includes the Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcover of the book!

Oh, and as I type this update we're only... [does math]... $128 away from unlocking the first Round Two Stretch Goal... so keep sharing the link and letting everyone know about all the free Kickstarter Exclusive Upgrades and let's get as much bonus swag as we can:

Thanks everyone! Let's gooooooo!

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning

The first "Golden" Stretch Goal has been unlocked!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Dec 06, 2022 at 02:59:54 AM

Stretch Goal #6 has been unlocked!

Hey friends!

You all are rocking it! We just unlocked the first Round Two Stretch Goal, meaning every KS Exclusive HC will now include all of the following free Kickstarter Exclusive bonuses and upgrades:

  • Kickstarter Exclusive Bookplate!
  • Four Autographs: Dirk Manning, Colm Griffin, Shawn Daley, and Arn Anderson!
  • The golden ribbon bookmark!

As I've said several times, this is all due to you -- yes, YOU -- continuing to share the campaign link and telling your fellow wrestling friends and fans about it, so keep sharing this link:

Now that we've unlocked Stretch Goal #6, here's what's next:

Next up: The gold gilded pages! Let's add even more gold to Arn's collection -- and our own!

On behalf of me, Arn, and everyone else on this team... THANK YOU so much for your support, friends! We appreciate you all so much! Let's keep it going!

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning

Stretch Goal #4 Unlocked! Arn's Autograph is next!
over 1 year ago – Fri, Dec 02, 2022 at 11:35:33 PM


You all hear that galloping in the distance, right? That's the approaching of the FOURTH (and final) autograph on the bookplate that will be coming with every Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcover book, because we unlocked the FOURTH Stretch Goal last night! Look at everything you're getting with your hardcover, friends:

Next-up: The Arn Anderson Autograph!

Honestly, I'm especially excited about this because you'll all be getting -- for free -- autographs on your bookplate from me (I'm in the USA), artist Colm Griffin (Ireland), and now Shawn Daley (Canada)... and as we unlock the next Stretch Goal (more on that in a moment) you're all going to get the autograph of the legendary Arn Anderson with your book, too! That's FOUR autographs by people on this book from across the world! How cool is that!

Keep spreading the word and sharing the link so we can keep getting more free bonuses and good stuff!

And speaking of good stuff...

A couple of you asked about this, and after talking to book artist Colm Griffin, I've  about it, we've found spots for four (and only four) more cameo appearances to be drawn into the book! I've added a second "Hey Look! That's Me!" pledge level titled "Hey Look! That's Me Too!" to the campaign at the same price as the first round, and I'm giving you all first notice before we start putting this "on blast" across social media. If you want to upgrade to this pledge level, you can go in and adjust your pledge accordingly.

Remember, this pledge level gets you EVERYTHING at the "Gimme Everything!" pledge level, and "Talk Time With Arn," and the cameo drawn into the book, forever making you a part of the Arn's legacy. This is a really, really cool opportunity, so if you want to "treat yo'self" (as the kids say), now's the time... because there's only two weeks left in the campaign, and the remaining three pledges may not even make it that long!

(Oh, and one "Hey Look! That's Me Too!" pledge will also automatically unlock the Arn Anderson Autograph Stretch Goal for everyone, too... so you'd really be making a huge impact on the whole campaign, too!)

Thanks again, everyone! If we don't talk before the weekend's over, we all hope you have a great one!

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning